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Curriculum Vitae


University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI

Ph.D., Ethnomusicology, 2024

Dissertation: Non-Binary Drag: A Trans* Musicology of Sensation and Interperformativity

Advisor: Christi-Anne Castro; Committee: Inderjit Kaur, Nadine Hubbs, Scott Larson

Northwestern University, Evanston, IL

M.M., (Historical) Musicology, 2016

Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY

B.A., summa cum laude, Music, 2015

Minor in Music Technology


Gender and Sexuality

American popular music

Music and embodiment

Film/technology history and ethics

Music in SWANA region

Music and censorship


Instructor of Record, University of Michigan, Winter 2023

Rchums 251: “Drag on the American Screen” [non-majors, residential liberal arts program, history of music tech & film through a drag lens]

Graduate Student Instructor (Discussion Sections), University of Michigan

Musicol 139: “Introduction to the Study of Music” [music majors, topical, “world” music]

Musicol 140: “Music Here and Now” [music majors, American music]

Musicol 346: “Music in Science Fiction” [non-majors, history of music tech & film] (grader only)

Guest Lecturer, University of Michigan

Musicol 506: “Film Music” [graduate students & upper-division undergraduate music majors]—Topic: history & analytical theories of music videos

Musicol 140: “Film Music History” [music majors, U.S. music]—Topic: history & analytical methods for early-to-mid century American film sound

(Invited) Musicol 139: “Gender and Sexuality in Music” [music majors, world music]—Topic: introduction to thinking about gender and sexuality in music practices around the world

Administrative Teaching Assistant, University of Illinois at Chicago

Mus 118: “American Popular Music”

Mus 127: “Latin American Music”

Interim Instructor, University of Illinois at Chicago, Winter 2022

Mus 127: “Latin American Music”


Submitted: “Sounding Out Loud: Haptic Aurality and Gender Euphoria in Non-Binary Drag” (journal article)

In review: “Living Loud, or Why There's No Gender on the Moon” essay in the tentatively titled volume Name / Understand / Play: Reflecting on Metaphors in Music and Sound, edited by Nina Sun Eidsheim, J. Martin Daughtry, Dylan Robinson, and Daniel K.S. Walden


Louise E. Cuyler Prize in Musicology for Best Dissertation Chapter for “Living Life, Living Loud: Affective Transmission of Trans* Euphoria,” 2024

Excellence in Entrepreneurship, Career Empowerment & Leadership (EXCEL) Lab Enterprise Fund Micro Grant, Fall 2023

ArtsEngine Student MicroGrant, University of Michigan, Fall 2023

Mental Health Awareness Grant, School of Music, Theatre & Dance, University of Michigan, Fall 2023

Society for Music Research Micro Grant, Fall 2023

Rackham Predoctoral Fellowship, University of Michigan, 2023–24

Musicology Department Summer Funding Award, University of Michigan, Summer 2023

Rackham One-Term Dissertation Fellowship, University of Michigan, Fall 2022

School of Music, Theatre & Dance, Graduate Fund Fellowship, University of Michigan, 2021–22

Fulbright Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad Fellowship, University of Michigan, 2020-21 (declined due to COVID-19)

Musicology Department Summer Funding Award, University of Michigan, Summer 2020

Foreign Language and Area Studies Summer Fellowship (Hebrew), University of Michigan, 2020

Rackham Humanities Research Fellowship, University of Michigan, 2019–20

Rackham International Research Award, University of Michigan, 2019–20

Rackham Language Training Award (Hebrew), University of Michigan, 2019–20

Foreign Language and Area Studies Summer Fellowship (Arabic), University of Michigan, 2019

Glenn McGeogh Graduate Teaching Award, University of Michigan, 2019

Foreign Language and Area Studies Academic Year Fellowship (Arabic), University of Michigan, 2017–18

Foreign Language and Area Studies Summer Fellowship (Arabic), University of Michigan, 2018

International Institute Summer Research Fellowship, University of Michigan, 2018

Elizabeth Ball Kurz Music Prize, Stony Brook University, 2015

Undergraduate Recognition Award for Outstanding Achievement in Community Service, Stony Brook University, 2015

Outstanding Academic Achievement Award, Stony Brook University, 2014, 2015

Theodore Presser Scholarship Award, Stony Brook University, 2013–14


Living Loud, Educational Drag Short Film Project, supported by multiple competitive grants (forthcoming, Spring 2024)

Visiting Scholar, Drag “Lecture Recital,” course on Music and Queer Performance, Washington University in St. Louis, (invited for Winter/Spring 2024)

Panelist, “Them Fatales,” Non-Binary Drag Panel for the Stream Queens Empowered Digital Event on Twitch, March 2021

“Pics or It Didn’t Happen,” Research Spotlight Article, Center for Middle Eastern and North African Studies Fall 2020 Newsletter, University of Michigan



  • “LGBTQ+ Censorship and Public Spaces: A Drag Conversation-Recital,” Organized Roundtable Performance-Discussion, Society for Ethnomusicology (October 2023)

  • “The Trans Mirror and Digital Drag’s Musical Potential,” Mediations of Music and Power in Online Music Cultures, Södertörn University, Sweden (September 2023)

  • “Re/Mediating the Drag Narrative: Gender Euphoria in Live-Streamed Short Videos,” ICTM Study Group on Audiovisual Ethnomusicology, Cork, Ireland (September 2023)

  • “Performing Through the Mirror: Trans Drag on Twitch,” Music and the Internet, University of Chicago (June 2023)


  • “Drag Kings, Queens, and Non-Binary Monarchs: Haptic Aurality and Anti-Misogyny in Tel Avivi Nightclubs,” Society for Ethnomusicology Joint Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA (November 2022)


  • “Drag Kings, Queens, and Non-binary Things: Queer Echoes and Misogyny in Tel Avivi Nightclubs,” Society for Ethnomusicology Annual Conference Paper Presentation – Accepted but did not present due to COVID-19

  • “Non-Binary Experiences, Research, and Ethnographic Fieldwork,” Musicology Department Colloquium Guest Lecture, Tel Aviv University – Invited but cancelled due to COVID-19


  • “Listening for Rasa and ʾIshq: Cross-Cultural Ontologies of Musical Theory,” Transmission, Translation, and Directionality in Cultural Exchange Colloquium in Urbana-Champaign, IL (March 2019)


  • “Queer Futures: Tel Avivi Music, YouTube, and State-Sponsored Queer Identity,” Society for Ethnomusicology Annual Conference in Albuquerque, NM (November 2018)

  • “Specifying ‘Glocalized’ Queer Expressions: Tel Avivi Music, YouTube, and State-Sponsored Identity,” International Council for Traditional Music Forum with Society for Ethnomusicology in Beijing (July 2018)


Research Assistant, Michigan Institute for Data Science, “A Computational Study of Patterned Melodic Structures Across Musical Cultures Project,” 2018–20

Student Assistant, Center for Southeast Asian Studies (CSEAS), Summer 2018

  • Conducted journalistic interviews, researched and wrote about archival history of CSEAS’s engagement with Southeast Asian countries

Graduate Research Assistant, Music Theory and Cognition, Graduate Research Assistant, 2015–16

  • Transcribed hand-written 18th-century Italian partimento (instructional bass) manuscripts

  • Worked with first-year music theory and aural skills program

Participant, Computer User Digital Development Learning Environment, 2014–15

  • Coordinated with multiple student and professional sound artists, composers, performers, engineers, and local professionals to create through music technology


Producer, Director: 

Digital Javanese Gamelan, Series I (forthcoming)

Multiple non-binary drag performers’ digital numbers, 2020–Present

Transfer Student Advisor, Stony Brook University, 2013–15

International Student Academic Advisor, Stony Brook University, Summer 2014

Database and Design Assistant, Online Learning Center, Southeastern University Spring 2012

Music Score Librarian, Southeastern University, 2011


Film Selection Committee, Study Group on Audiovisual Ethnomusicology 4th Symposium, China, International Council for Traditions in Music and Dance, (Summer/Fall 2025)

Program Coordinator, Gender and Sexuality Studies Section, Society for Ethnomusicology, 2023–2025

Steward, Ethnomusicology Lab, University of Michigan, 2018–24

Research Forum Committee Chair (SMRF), Society for Music Research, University of Michigan, 2022–24

  • Designed and implemented a pedagogy-themed colloquium series for graduate students

Social Chair, Society for Music Research, University of Michigan, 2018–19

Secretary, Society for Music Research, University of Michigan, 2017–18

Ambassador for Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion, School of Music, Theatre & Dance, University of Michigan

Co-Chair, 2018 Michigan Music Research Graduate Student Conference, 2016–18


Arabic (MSA/Levantine) - Intermediate

Hebrew (Modern) - Intermediate

French - Reading

Spanish - Reading

Python (Programming) - Beginner


Drag Performer, Photographer, Heads Over Heels, Southeast MI

Drag Performer, Photographer, Mash Central, Tel Aviv, Israel

Javanese Gamelan Ensemble, University of Michigan

Flutes and Piccolo, Fox Hill Consortium, Suffolk County, NY

Conductor, Stony Brook Ringers Hand Bell Choir, Stony Brook, NY

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